Dr. Rich Freeman has traveled a long path since his days as an executive in a large corporation.
Four years after accepting the Lord, Rich left his business career to go to seminary and serve the Lord. He has served as a pastor at churches and messianic congregations and has served with Chosen People Ministries since 1999 as Vice President of Church Ministries and Conferences.
The work focuses in two areas:
- Helping to equip the church to undertake Jewish evangelism.
- Showing churches how a better appreciation of the Jewish roots of the Christian faith can enrich their understanding and their proclamation of God's Word.
Rich is a passionate and dynamic preacher and teacher of the Bible who speaks in many churches in the United States and abroad throughout the year. He has also written a commentary on Romans 9-11 called "The Heart of the Apostle."
Schedule RICH
Want Rich to come speak at your church? You can view his schedule Below.

Messiah in the Passover
This demonstration is ideal for any Sunday, but a demonstration that includes your communion service is especially meaningful. Passover banquets are appropriate all year, but are very popular during the Passover/Easter season. Many churches find that a banquet works well on a Friday or Saturday.
The Heart of the Apostle
Dr. Freeman is the author of a commentary on Romans 9-11 and this message shows how these three chapters may be the most important chapters in all of Scripture for understanding the heart of the apostle to the Gentiles, Paul, as it pertained to Israel, his “brethren according to the flesh.” A great combination of Jewish context and sound exegesis, this message will help your congregation understand more deeply Paul’s heart.
God's Roadmap to Peace
This is a message that looks at the roots of this conflict both historically and biblically. Why this conflict? What does the Bible say about the land of Israel? What does God have in store for the future? Will there ever be peace in the Middle East?
The Fall Feasts of Israel
This can be presented in one or a series of messages that explain how the Messiah is related to the following Jewish feasts: Rosh Hashanah (Feast of Trumpets), which celebrates the beginning of the Jewish Civil year. Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), which is considered the holiest day of the Jewish year. Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles/Booths), which recalls 40 years of wandering in the wilderness, living in tents (booths) and worshiping in a portable tabernacle.
Christmas Through Jewish Eyes
This presentation has three aspects: First, it shows the major messianic prophecies foretelling the coming of Messiah. It also paints a picture of Jewish society at the time of Jesus’ birth and their expectations of Messiah. Finally, it shows how Jewish people see Christmas today, and the wonderful opportunities to share the Gospel today as the world celebrates the birth of the most famous Jew who has ever lived.
The Road to Bethlehem
An Overview of the book of Ruth.
The road to Bethlehem does not begin with the birth of Messiah but rather with two widows returning from Moab in obedience to God.
Middle East Crisis
The Lord has placed a burden on Dr. Freeman’s heart to help people answer some of the tough questions about the Middle East Crisis with a biblical perspective. That is why we offer churches the possibility of having a conference entitled “The Middle East Crisis: Its Impact on the Proclamation of the Gospel.”
For more details go here.